

Thursday, October 07, 2010


In its endless quest for profit capitalism pollutes the rivers, the seas and the atmosphere. A particularly nasty incident has recently occurred that threatens to turn the world-famous Blue Danube into a sludgy red colour. "A state of emergency has been declared in the Hungarian region submerged by toxic sludge because the chemical flood is threatening water supplies by rushing towards the Danube River. The lethal tidal wave of poisonous red mud burst from a reservoir of toxic waste belonging to an alumina plant in the town of Ajka and flooded a 16-square mile area. At least four people were killed, 120 were treated for serious chemical burns and six remain missing after the tsunami of poison surged through several towns around 100 miles southwest of Budapest." (Daily Mail, 6 October) There will be the usual outcry with well-meaning environmentalists calling for "something must be done". Nothing will be done of course because the profit motive is sacrosanct inside capitalism and human considerations are of no account compared with the need for bigger and bigger profits. RD

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