

Thursday, October 14, 2010


When the Socialist Party of Great Britain was formed away back in 1904 we were told by reformers in the Liberal Party and later the Labour Party that by a series of reforms capitalism could be made more fair and that the inequalities between the classes could be eradicated by a programme of reformist legislation. More than a hundred years of such legislation has led to what? According to a survey produced by the Equalities and Human Rights Commission set up in 2007 to produce a three yearly report on the "state of the nation", it has led to abject failure. "Today's report How Fair Is Britain?, shows that health inequalities remain stark between rich and poor, with men and women from the highest income groups living seven years longer on average than the lower." (Times, 11 October) All the ingenuity of the reformers has merely led to the continuation of the same stinking inequalities of capitalism. RD

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