

Monday, May 09, 2011

Food for thought

In the Middle East the people continue to demonstrate despite cruel repression by the forces of their own government. The leaders haven't hesitated to open fire on their own people. In Egypt, the taste of victory has soured as new demonstrations were put down by the interim military government, killing two people. Same old… Bahrain, Syria, and other places continue to shoot to kill. On CNN this morning it was reported that a small army of 3 000 well armed Syrian soldiers had closed the border with Jordan and then attacked a city that held anti-government rallies, going door to door and shooting the inhabitants. The dislocation between workers and the ruling owners has never been starker than in this region right now. Let's hope something worthwhile comes out of the death and bravery that we see every night. A chance to elect socialist representatives at least.
The Toronto Star published a piece about the Pope. "For the first time in History, Pope Benedict XVI has answered questions submitted by ordinary people." Obviously, not to be missed! A seven-year-old Japanese girl asked why she had to be afraid and sad. "I'm asking the Pope, who speaks with God, to explain it to me." The Pope-who-speaks-with-god replied, "I also have the same questions; why is it this way? Why do you have to suffer so much while others live in ease? And we do not have the answers but we know that Jesus suffered as you do, an innocent, and that the true God who is revealed in Jesus is by your side." Oh dear! Let's hope this is the first and last time that 'he who speaks with God', supposedly having the wisdom of the world at his finger tips, gives advice and comfort to a seven-year-old.

John Ayers.

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