

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Food for thought

The NDP party, recently elevated to official opposition status for the first time in its history, held a party convention on the occasion of its 50th. Anniversary. On the agenda was a proposal " to debate a change to the preamble of the constitution that would replace a commitment to democratic socialist principles – including an explicit aversion to profit making – with the soft language of social democracy." (Joanna Smith, Toronto Star (18/June/11). The decision was deferred to party caucus to
decide later and a merger with the Liberal Party was also discussed. The two items show exactly were the NDP stands – with the capitalist parties, ready to change anything and merge with anybody to get elected. The NDP has never been socialist and probably its members have no idea what socialism stands for. At least, if this proposal passes, the pretence will be over.

 Bono of the rock band U2, a leading anti-poverty campaigner, experienced a small protest at his latest concert. Apparently the band switched its operations to the Netherlands from Ireland several years ago to avoid paying Irish taxes. Now many more Irish are under the poverty line with the current poor economic situation of the former darling of the capitalist world, the former 'Celtic Tiger', and there is no money for social programs. Bono is just doing what every capitalist tries – maximize your wealth – poverty does not enter into the decision. John Ayers

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