

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


It is common for the mass media to speak of world poverty as something that only occurs in some far-off backward nations, but the reality is somewhat different. The USA is the most developed capitalist country in the world yet it too suffers from poverty that forces many of its citizens to exist on food stamps and government hand-outs. "While the mainstream media has all but convinced most Americans that the nation is slowly climbing out of the "recession," new statistics released by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) suggest otherwise. According to just-released participation numbers for the agency's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), known more commonly as "food stamps," nearly one in six Americans now participates in the program, which represents a new record high. Rising from 14.3 percent of the US population participating in the program back in February, the new numbers are a bit shocking when considering how many of these new enrollees actually are. It is not simply the very poor and chronic abusers that are taking advantage of the program -- many former middle class families now struggling just to get by are having to sign up for government assistance." (Natural, 9 July) RD

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