

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Many reasons are put forward for the conflicts in the area. Some would argue it is a conflict over religion, others that it is a struggle for democracy. The following piece of information seems a more likely cause for the hostilities. "Afghanistan and Central Asia are abundant with natural resources worth billions. So far, they are largely untapped but the battle is raging for who will be able to exploit them in the 21st century. In the 19th century, it was the Russians and the British who wrestled for influence in Afghanistan and Central Asia in a highly-explosive endeavour known as the Great Game. Today, Afghanistan's natural resources are estimated to be worth billions of dollars. The resources in the neighbouring Central Asian states are thought to be worth even more - the cake is huge and as yet largely untouched." (Deutche Welle, 15 July) The seeds of all modern wars has been the rivalries over sources of raw materials, markets and political spheres of interest. The present conflict in Afghanistan and its neighbours is likely to have the same causes. RD

1 comment:

  1. Not to mention the opium supplies that exist in Afganastan. Potential legal growing for pharma. The mining resources plus oil and gas to name a few.
