

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Whenever a television producer covers an economic crisis they always wheel in an "expert" to regale us with their vast knowledge of the subject, but they would probably be better advised to consult the window cleaner or the lady who cleans the office instead. "If you're confused over high unemployment, you're not alone. The people who are best supposed to understand this issue don't have much of a clue either. That became readily apparent following the government's release Friday of the June jobs, a dismal data set with virtually no redeeming factors. More than that, though, the report blindsided Wall Street and Washington economists, who expected about 100,000 jobs created last month, not the 18,000 that showed up in the Bureau of Labor Statistics compilation." (, 11 July) The slumps and booms of capitalism show us that the so-called experts are completely clueless. RD

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