

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Capitalism is an extremely volatile society and it is impossible to predict when and where the next military explosion will occur. The Middle East is a likely candidate because of its oil resources but there are other potential battlegrounds. "Rapidly expanding oil exploration looks likely to escalate territorial disputes in the South China Sea , which is suspected of containing vast oil and natural gas resources. A Philippine company, Philex Mining Corp., announced Tuesday that it plans to drill at least two wells and expand its surveys in Reed Bank, in one of the most contested areas of the South China Sea, the Wall Street Journal reports. China claims the sea in its entirety and several other countries in the region, including the Philippines, Vietnam and Taiwan claim parts of it." (Christian Science Monitor, 1 August) No doubt if a military conflict arises it will be depicted as one of democracy, justice or some such high-sounding principle. It will of course be a naked scramble for profits. RD

1 comment:

  1. Leonardo2:59 pm

    I doubt anything more than posturing will take place, but I hope it boils out of control and ends up with sanctions on the filthy Chinese by neighboring countries and (one can hope) the US.

    This is about territory and countries*cough*Red China*cough* exploiting a weak Philipine military to acquire resources which do not belong to them, but you may blame capitalism, go ahead.
