

Saturday, August 06, 2011


It is the stuff of movie legend. How those devilish foreigners torture our gallant British soldiers. It is not the sort chicanery that our chivalrous lads would engage in. Alas, it is just movie nonsense. "A top-secret document revealing how officers were allowed to extract information from prisoners being illegally tortured overseas has been seen by the Guardian. The interrogation policy - details of which are believed to be too sensitive to be publicly released at the government inquiry into the UK's role in torture and rendition - instructed senior intelligence officers to weigh the importance of the information being sought against the amount of pain they expected a prisoner to suffer. It was operated by the British government for almost a decade." (Guardian 4, August) This revelation makes the claims of a number of men who said that they were questioned by MI5 and MI6 officers after being tortured at Guantanamo Bay seem highly likely. Capitalism is a filthy system and isn't run according to any rules of fair play. RD

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