

Saturday, September 03, 2011


Inside a capitalist society it is the norm for the poor to to try to survive from day to day whilst the wealthy indulge themselves with the best of everything. It is not enough for some of them though. Not content with the best food, clothing and shelter some of them like to indulge themselves with over-priced baubles just because they can. "A Porsche once owned by Hollywood legend Steve McQueen has been sold for a record-breaking $1.375 million. ...... The car appears in the prologue of the film (Le Mans) being driven through the French countryside by McQueen. According to RM Auctions, who handled the sale at its Monterey, California event on August 19th, it was the highest price ever paid for a Porsche 911. ....Nevertheless, it was far from a record for a car from the noted automobile enthusiast's extensive stable. In 2007, an ex-McQueen 1963 Ferrari 250 was sold for $2.3 million, nearly five times the amount of what similar cars were going for at the time." (, 26 August) RD

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