

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Food for thought

How many millions have you lost in the stock market lately? Ellen Roseman in "How to Deal With Angry Investors" (Toronto Star, Aug 29, 2011) tells us investors are frightened and angry, no surprise. She gives portfolio managers advice such as, sit down face to face with  clients; listen to people; talk about the challenges; look at the role of cash; review portfolios more often etc. That should put them at ease as they see their life savings going belly-up and retirement disappearing into the distance. It gets more like Alice in Wonderland everyday!

A letter in The Toronto Star recently opined that the London Riots were no surprise considering 20% unemployment and a loss of rights and freedoms over the last two decades, "This (change from citizens to consumers) is the result of a change from democracy to corporatocracy. Western corporations now control the governments, universities and  media, with lobbyists outnumbering politicians..." We might comment that it's the normal operation of the capitalist system for the last two hundred years or so. The writer also reveals that General Electric US made $10.3 billion last year but ended up owing nothing to Uncle Sam. In fact they recorded a tax benefit of $1.1 billion! John Ayers.

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