

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Politicians are fond of waxing eloquent about ethics, morals and other high-flown sentiments. "David Cameron will outline his ideas about "moral capitalism" in a speech on the economy later. ....The leaders of the three biggest Westminster parties have been talking about the need to bring about "responsible capitalism" in recent weeks." (BBC News, 19 January) Behind all this flowery rhetoric the harsh realities of capitalism persist. The majority work for wages and salaries and produce a surplus value that is enjoyed by the privileged minority. Insecurity, poverty and the threat of unemployment is the norm for the working class. RD

1 comment:

  1. I have always wondered about the oxymoron 'responsible capitalism' as the whole point of capitalism is exploitation of labour and profit above all other considerations! Mad old Cameron - who can he convince with this one?!
