

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Three years ago, Europeans lauded new weapons export rules meant to control the trade of military technology and equipment. The "Security-related export controls II" rules state that export approval should be avoided in the event that weapons "might be used for undesirable purposes such as internal repression or international aggression or contribute to regional instability." "But it appears that some European Union members are disregarding these rules when it comes to Saudi Arabia. A European Commission summary obtained by SPIEGEL shows that combined exports from member states amount to the EU being the world's largest exporter of weapons to the Middle Eastern country. In 2010, member states delivered at least 3.3 billion euros ($4.34 billion) worth of military equipment and licenses to Riyadh." (Der Spiegel, 19 March) When it comes to making a profit, fine words like "undesirable intentions" mean very little. Sweden, for example, helped the Saudis build a missile factory and sold them some 330 million euros in defence technology in 2011. Meanwhile, Finland recently received an export permit to deliver 36 grenade launchers, and Germany is preparing 270 Leopard 2 tanks for delivery. Great Britain is providing fighter jets RD

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