

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Food for thought

On March 7, the UN envoy to Yemen warned of the growing food crisis in that country. 6.8 million people have been left without enough food during months of political turmoil that has allowed Al Qaeda to gain ground. Three million are in need of immediate assistance and 500 000 children are at risk from malnutrition. Contrast that with the Ford motor company rewarding their CEO with $58.3 million in stock as a reward for improved sales and you get some idea of the crazy imbalance in the capitalist system.
The Quebec government is facing some strong people power over their legislation to curtail protest rights. Now protesters from all walks of life are out on the streets, banging pots and pans, taking over intersections, and taking part in impromptu, leaderless marches in defiance of the law. An estimated 400 000 gathered last week at the one hundred day celebration of the students' strike. John Ayers

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