

Saturday, June 16, 2012

He who pays the piper calls the tune

More than a quarter of Britain’s richest people are donors to the coalition government’s senior partners, the Conservative party, the GMB union says. 

 248 out of the top 1,000 richest have made financial contributions to the party in person, through their companies or family members between 2001 to May 2012. Donations by rich financiers to the party total £83, 659,167. 

Lord Ashcroft topped the donations list with £6.1 million followed by the Getty family (£5 million) and Michael Spencer, the chief executive of the world’s leading interdealer broker ICAP plc (£4.8 million). 

 GMB general secretary Paul Kenny said the list of Tory donors clearly shows where the real allegiance of the government lies. “It is clear that the wealthy look to the Tory Party to protect their interests and they have been repaid with policies like the change in Income Tax, down from 50p to 45p. This is not philanthropy. It is an investment by an elite in an elite to look after their interests,”

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