

Monday, June 11, 2012


Experts warn that many older people cannot afford a healthy diet, partly because rising energy bills force the worst off to choose between heating or eating. "The official figures show that 531 people were admitted to hospital with a primary diagnosis of malnutrition in 2011 – more than ten a week. This is up 14 per cent in the last year and 47 per cent on the 362 who were hospitalised in 2007. The Equality and Human Rights Commission warned last year that home care was often so poor it put the elderly at risk of malnutrition. .... The figures are the tip of the iceberg, because thousands more people admitted to hospital for other reasons turn out to be badly nourished. Michelle Mitchell, of charity Age UK, said: 'It is estimated that one million older people are malnourished. Every case is preventable." (Daily Mail, 28 May) It speaks volumes about capitalism that after a lifetime of producing surplus value for the owning class that many workers end their lives neglected and malnourished. RD

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