

Friday, July 20, 2012


Inside capitalism we have countries, inside socialism we will have no countries. We will live in a worldwide society. There will be no borders. The German energy company EWE has begun construction on an offshore wind park in the North Sea, but Germany and the Netherlands can't agree on which side of the border it is on. "When the Riffgat offshore wind farm is finally finished, it will include 30 gigantic wind turbines jutting above the waves of the North Sea. The columns to be driven into the sea floor are fully 70 meters (230 feet) long and the first of them have already descended to the sea floor. Construction has already gotten underway. And yet, despite the building activity, nobody quite knows if the project site is part of Germany or part of the Netherlands." (Spiegel, 9 July) Inside capitalism one group will win another lose, inside socialism the human race would gain. RD

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