

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Who put the swizz in Switzerland

Statistics say the Swiss are the richest people in the world, with net financial assets of nearly $148,000 per capita. That is a third more than the average for the next two wealthiest nations-Japan and the United States. But the ownership of that wealth, including stocks or physical assets such as land and housing, is much more unequally shared in the nation. 

The top 1 percent in Switzerland control more than a third of the nation’s wealth, which is slightly larger than the share owned by the richest 1 percent in the United States. Switzerland also has the highest density of millionaires in the West, with 9.5 percent of all households having $1 million or more, and the greatest number of ultra-rich families - 366 households worth more than $100 million. Ten percent of all the world’s billionaires live there. The number of super-wealthy foreigners lured to Switzerland has doubled in the last decade, to more than 5,000. Their taxes are based on the rental value of their property rather than their income or wealth, on the condition that they do not work in the country.

Swiss companies accounted for five of the top 10 best-paid chairmen in Europe in 2011. Nestle Chairman Peter Brabeck has accumulated a fortune of up to $215 million. Credit Suisse’s  CEO, Brady Dougan received $75 million stock windfall he received in 2009. The annual list of Switzerland’s wealthiest 300 people published by Bilanz names has Ikea founder Kamprad in first place, at $38 billion.

1 comment:

  1. The lowest-paid employee at Novartis would have to work 266 years to earn the SFr15.7 million ($17.1 million) the drugmaker’s chief executive Joseph Jimenez received in 2011 alone.

    Credit Suisse head Brady Dougan who bagged an annual salary of SFr90 million that year, 1,812 times more than the lowest paid employees at Switzerland’s second largest bank.

    In 2011 a top manager earned about 39 times more than an entry-level employee.

    Between 1997 and 2008, the number of people earning more than a million per year rose from 510 to 2,824.

    Wages have dropped from about 70 per cent of GDP, compared with 60 per cent today.
