

Sunday, June 09, 2013

Food for thought

An official at the Toronto Zoo said in the recent TV program, "Undercover Boss", that species are dying off at the rate of one thousand a year. Think of the enormity of this and how desperately we need to do something about it.
Yoko Ono recently said that over one million people have been killed by Guns in the US since her husband, John Lennon was shot and killed. Gun control laws may not have an impact, even if an effective law could get past congress, because guns are so easily obtained illegally. Removing the causes of tension and conflict and the end to profiteering on gun sales would work but you need a socialist society for that.
There are nearly six unemployed Canadians for every job vacancy, Statistics Canada reported. Furthermore, 1.2 million people are out of work. Ottawa says it will deal with the problem by focusing on job training. However, Erin Weir, an economist with the United Steel Workers' union, said, "…even if a skills training policy somehow succeeded in filling every current vacancy, more than one million workers would remain unemployed." Another reason to abolish employment and unemployment altogether. John Ayers.

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