

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Food for thought

New Democratic MPP, Taras Natyshak, is enraged about the exploitation of interns, "It's free labour. The longer we let this thing lie as a vague part in our employment laws, the longer it will be abused." Unpaid internships are unregulated by the Employment Standards Act and no statistics are taken, therefore, it should come as no surprise that the practice is spreading. Employers attempt to justify it by claiming that it is job training and few interns complain, hoping they'll get a job at the completion of their internship. The NDP wants the liberal government to clearly define internships and limit their length. Thus the NDP wants, in its reformist zeal, to decrease the extent of exploitation of these young people. The SPC wants a society where no exploitation of one human being
by another exists. John Ayers.

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