

Monday, June 17, 2013

Food for thought

So much attention was naturally focused on the terrible events in Boston on April 18-20 that an equally bad event that occurred in Greece did not receive the attention it warranted. After months of pressing the owners of a strawberry plantation for pay, migrant workers from Bangladesh gathered in a field hoping to get paid. Instead they received gunfire from three foremen, wounding twenty-eight. The three have been arrested and face charges of attempted murder. Though they may get long prison sentences, no one can say 'it won't happen again'. It wasn't the first and probably won't be the last time members of the working class have been shot at for demanding their rights. The Peterloo massacre in England, Bloody Sunday in St. Petersburg and Tiannanmen Square in Beijing are prime examples and these events will continue until we remove the cause – capitalism. John Ayers.

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