

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Jobs and earnings in Scotland

256,000 people part-time workers , or more than 10% of the entire workforce, a rise of of 80,000 on 2008, are in search of a job with full-time hours. The employment data shows there was a drop of 92,000 full-time jobs since the downturn began in 2008.

Between 2008 and 2012, earnings dropped more for part-time workers, down by 8.7% to a median £11.50 for men, and down 8.4% for women to £10.29.

 Earnings in Scotland as a whole have fallen 8.1%, in real terms at 2012 prices. Full time median hourly earnings reached £16.12 for men, and £13.78 for women.

The most recent figures show just over 300,000 self-employed workers in Scotland - one eighth of the workforce, up 33,000

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