

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Food for thought

A report by the Norwegian Refugee Councils Displacement Monitoring Centre claims that in 2012 32 million people were forced to flee their homes because of floods, storms, and earthquakes, almost twice as many as in 2011. Gordon McBean, the director of research at Western University's Centre for Environment and Sustainability in London, Ontario commented on the report, " 32 Million people, that is the human cost of climate change. The impact of climate change
isn't small, that's what these numbers say." No part of this world is immune from floods -- India, Nigeria, The Philippines, Russia, Spain, China, Pakistan, and the US that led to 775,000 people fleeing their homes. Nor will things improve any time soon. According to the report, "Climate change is expected to influence
the frequency and intensity of weather extremes over the coming decades." John Ayers

1 comment:

  1. And the government wants to remove climate change from the curriculum.
