

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

We are the People

"The proletarian movement is the self-conscious, independent movement of the immense majority, in the interest of the immense majority" - The Communist Manifesto

"The emancipation of the working class is the task of the workers themselves" - The First International

Socialism is not a reform, it is a revolution. Socialists say plainly that mere reform of existing society is impossible, or if possible, useless. The Socialist Party is not concerned whether this revolution  comes next year or next century that is not a question that matters to us. It is bound to come sometime and the party’s task is to do all it can to hasten its coming (although we all personally want to be there to celebrate its coming and its triumph)

For the first time since the beginning of human history, a great upheaval will have for its aim, not the substitution of one class for another, but the destruction of classes with the common good as its object. Let it be clearly understood that by revolution we do not mean violence or bloodshed.  A new socialist  system cannot be created by a minority. It can only function with the approval of an immense majority.  It is this majority that will create from capitalistic chaos, the social property, co-operative and communal. How, then, can a system based on the free collaboration of all be instituted against the will, or even without the will, of the greater number? It can only succeed by the general and almost unanimous desire of the community.  Precisely because socialism is precisely is not the regime of a minority that it cannot, therefore, and ought not, to be imposed by a minority.  The Socialist Revolution will be brought about by the will of all of the majority and by the power of a majority. Mass socialist consciousness and mass participation are essential.

The Socialist Party does not shy away from apportioning some fault with the working class. The capitalist class and the working-class stand openly opposed to each other. The class lines are clearly defined. There is no mistaking who is a capitalist and who is a workman, who is rich and who is poor. We all know that the capitalist class are the 1% and we are the 99%. That is to say, we are in  are in the clear majority yet we suffer the capitalist class to rule us. If that is what workers want, that is what workers will get and as long as they are satisfied with the capitalists’ domination they will have to continue to submit to it.

In this current crisis we in the Socialist Party must offer a wider perspective of their problems and articulate the workers anger into a wider view of how to transform society. Unless that is done, their anger can all too easily sink back into apathy. The Socialist Party appeals to our fellows in all lands to work for the interests of themselves and of others, in order to bring about, even in our own day, the Social Revolution which can alone give freedom and happiness to mankind. We appeal  to the working class to come together in one class-conscious solidarity. We present the politics of revolt. We are educating, we are agitating, we are organising, that is to way we are preparing for the revolution.

 As the workers anthem the International says no "saviours from on high" will free us

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