

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Food for thought

The New York Times (July 7) provided yet another example of a 'tiger economy' leaving the people behind. The Philippines growth of 7.8% and the rising glass towers is evidence of lots of money but work is scarce, low-paid, and seventeen million have left to find work elsewhere. More than nine million cannot afford the $135/month needed to eat.
Meanwhile, research conducted by Equilar for the Times shows that the 200 top executives' average pay packet came in at $15.1 million, a leap of sixteen per cent from 2011. For example, Leslie Moonves, CBS pulled in $60.3 million, Rupert Murdoch, News Corporation, $22.4 million, Lawrence J. Ellison, Oracle, $96.2 million, Marissa A. Mayer, Yahoo 36.6 million. Nice work if you can get it, and get away with it. John Ayers

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