

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Time to liberate humanity

We live in a world rife with misery and oppression. Hunger, poverty, unemployment, racial and sexual discrimination, and many forms of repression, from the restriction of the most basic democratic rights like freedom of speech to hideous barbarism like torture and genocide, are still the lot of the majority of the people of the world. Today the whole world is in the grip of a deep economic crisis of capitalism. The gulf between the rich and the poor, between the powerful and the dispossessed, is widening. Capitalists have only one reason for being – to accumulate more and more capital. We live in a world dominated by capitalism, a system which allows a small minority of capitalists to oppress and exploit the great majority of humankind. It is capitalism that brings about great inequalities in living standards with more poor people now in the world than ever before.

Far from diminishing with the advances in science and technology, the various forms of misery is growing.  It is an astonishing paradox that, in a world where there could be plenty for all, there is increasing  want and hunger.The anarchy of production and the crises under capitalism explains the enormous waste of productive forces and also explains why, alongside this waste, millions of people lack the basic necessities and why even famine strikes in various parts of the world. At the root of all these problems is the exploitation of some people by other people. All of the deprivations and conflicts are brought about by a society divided into oppressors and oppressed, the capitalist class exploiting the working class.

Only a socialist revolution can put an end to the capitalist relations of exploitation and establish a society of abundance. Socialist society is based on the free association of all individuals who work together to produce the goods necessary for their collective well-being. All will work according to their capacities and their needs will be fully satisfied. Individuals will no longer be governed by the division of labour and all conflict between city and countryside and between manual and intellectual work will be eliminated. The emancipation of the workers will be accomplished by the workers themselves. They will achieve it through socialist revolution, which will suppress the private ownership of the means of production in order to establish socialist and collective property and replace capitalist commodity production by the socialist organisation of production

The expropriation of the capitalists and the socialisation of the means of production and distribution will lead directly to the abolition of society divided into classes with opposing interests. The abolition of classes will in turn lead to the withering away of the State, and ultimately to its extinction, for the State is not, and can never be, anything other than the instrument of dictatorship of one class over others. The fundamental interests of workers are the same throughout the world.

Capitalism is poisoning the air we breathe, poisoning the water we drink, and polluting both land and sea. No lasting solution to any of these problems will be found while capitalism is allowed to survive in the world. Today the human species stands at a turning point: either we have the socialist transformation of society or we are eventually destroyed by environmental disaster. The only viable way forward is to achieve socialism, a classless and stateless society on a world scale where people do not oppress and exploit each other and where we live in harmony with our natural environment.

The only way forward is to struggle to bring about this social revolution and begin the struggle to build a socialist society where oppressive and exploitative class divisions and all the evils that go with them are abolished. The working class has it within its power to overthrow capitalist society and pave the way for the liberation of the whole of humankind.

“By peaceful means if possible, by forcible if necessary” is the reply of the Socialist Party of Great Britain to the question “How do we propose attaining our object?” The Socialist Party is the bearer of historic memory. The working class character and the integrity of the Socialist Party are of vital importance. All the votes of the people would do us no good if our party ceased to be a revolutionary socialist  party yielding to the temptation to modify our principles for the sake of swelling our vote. Nor can there be any  possible good from any kind of a political alliance with non-socialist parties. The Socialist Party wants the votes only of those who want socialism.  Join with us in the struggle against capitalism and for revolution. The hour is late. Join us now before it is too late!

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