

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Love For Sale

Capitalism with its profit motive distorts every human activity. Snooker players, footballers and cricketers have recently been proven to take bribes to line their pockets in gambling scams. Now it even distorts love and marriage. 'China is moving forwards at an astonishing rate, but it lacks one vital commodity - young women. Men of marriageable age are confronted by a shrinking pool of potential female partners - and the competition to find a bride is fierce.  ..... Peng Tai has a quota of three suitable girls a day. He is what is known as a "love hunter". He works for the Diamond Bachelors' Agency, a Shanghai outfit which has hundreds of wealthy single men looking for wives on its books. The joining fees range from £15,000 to more than £1m ($1.6m) a year depending on the level of service required.' (BBC News, 28 September) The report goes on to show that this facility is beyond the reach of most members of the working class. One young engineer said that he would have to save up for 200 years to afford a one-bedroom apartment - and that is without eating or drinking. RD

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