

Saturday, September 28, 2013

One class - One struggle

As a one-time  member of both the Industrial Workers and the Socialist Party of Great Britain this blogger wants to see one class conscious labour union on the industrial field and one class-conscious labour party on the political field, each the counterpart of the other, and both working together in harmonious cooperation to overthrow the capitalist system and emancipate the workers from wage slavery. The objective of the Party is the establishment of a socialist society and works for the total abolition of the present system of wage slavery through a social revolution, and holds this to be the pre-eminent  task of its existence. It seeks by education  to win the majority to the socialist idea and to spur the workers on towards the Social Revolution.

The aim of socialism is that every human being, white, black, red, or yellow, shall have access to the natural resources which nature has supplied and to the machinery which man has created and then to have the full social product of his labour.

We feel sure the working class will rally to our cause and thus administer to capitalism the much-deserved lesson that the workers may be deluded part of the time, but not all the time.

The capitalist class own the government and govern the working class, not for the well-being of the working class but for the well-being and profit of the capitalist class. It is only by using their political power that the capitalists make their exploitation of the workers legal. And it is only by using their political power that the working class can abolish capitalist rule and privilege, and establish a form of society based on  common ownership.

1 comment:

  1. The objective of the Party is the establishment of a socialist society and works for the total abolition of the present system of wage slavery through a social revolution, Notes
