

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Plutocrats and Paupers

They possess more wealth than ordinary people can ever dream about. They enjoy luxury and privilege and wield enormous power.  They are no better than the common person. They are no wiser, no smarter, nor do they work harder yet they rule over us. We create their wealth and without us they are nothing. Yet we are scared to challenge and topple our oppressor because we fear them and so we remain obedient and compliant to their demands.

To  control us  them they turn against you and me against one another.
They pit us against each other along national and  racial lines. Workers  must be made to feel threatened by competing workers. They take advantage of the obvious differences between the sexes, our sexuality  and  our differences in age, young against old.  They declare the “outsider" to be illegal, job-stealing, free-loading welfare-abusing and crime-perpetrating parasites. Immigrants are made into the “enemy" in the eyes of the native population because of fear of deportation and the discrimination, the “foreign" worker is made afraid to fight their employers for better pay and work conditions and becomes not only cheaper but more malleable. The plutocrats, profiteers, and pirates  and their servile spokespersons gag the truth and strangle free speech while they commit their war crimes. Politicians, whatever their pretentions, cannot act otherwise than in the service of their capitalist bosses. The government’s ultimate aim is to obtain effective control over the lives, livelihoods and liberties of every citizen and thus to forestall any effective opposition.

Capitalism, by its very nature, is a system of legalized robbery of the working class. The whole process of capitalist business is a swindle. In capitalist society what constitutes crime and what does not is a purely arbitrary distinction. The capitalists do not recognize any line of demarcation for themselves. They do whatever they can “get away with.” The record of every large fortune and big corporation in this country is smeared not only with brutal robbery of the workers but also statutory crime of every description.  It is a society where each grabs what he can at the expense of the rest. It is not surprising that in a system of society where the aim is to get rich by any means, crime of every kind should flourish. Faced by low wages and other impossible economic conditions on the one hand and by the corrupt example of capitalism generally on the other, many naturally take to lives of open crime and try to seize at the point of a gun what the capitalist “fat cats” steal through exploiting the workers, by cornering the stock exchange, or by corrupting the government. The main difference between their operations is primarily one of dimension. Al Capone is an altogether legitimate child of American capitalism, and it is no accident that he was an object of widespread admiration.

Our aims in life are different to theirs. If we create solidarity with each other, and decide to co-operate rather than compete against each other, we can start to talk about revolution. The problem is that working  people are not administering the world - They are and we got to change that.

There can be no place for the present narrow patriotism, the bigoted nationalist chauvinism that serves so well the capitalist 

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