

Saturday, October 12, 2013


We are all aware of charities launching campaigns to feed the hungry in Asia and Africa but here is one aimed at the UK hungry. Hard-up families could be forced to turn to the British Red Cross for help this winter for the first time in nearly 70 years, as thousands face crippling cuts to their household budgets. 'The Red Cross said it was about to launch a campaign in supermarket foyers asking shoppers to donate food to be distributed to the most needy through the charity FareShare. Rises in basic food prices and soaring utility bills have helped push more than 5 million  people in the UK into deep poverty. Nearly 500,000 people needed support from food banks last year, according to figures from the Trussel Trust.' (Guardian, 11 October) Half a million relying on food banks in one of the most developed countries in the world - isn't capitalism wonderful? RD

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