

Monday, November 04, 2013


Politicians are forever arguing about the National Health Service. Some claiming there should be more private investment and some arguing for less, but they all miss an important feature about health. 'Cliff Mann, president of the College of Emergency Doctors, which represents A&E medics, said recent NHS England figures for waiting times were a "cause for grave concern". The figures show the number of patients waiting more than four hours in emergency rooms has jumped by 43 per cent since September 2011 and the number of "trolley waits" of four to 12 hours is up 89 per cent since then.' (Independent, 3 November) Health like everything else in capitalism is largely determined by wealth. If you are a member of the capitalist class you can afford the best that money can buy in food, housing, education and health. Members of the working class are the ones left to suffer a 12 hour wait on an hospital trolley. RD

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