

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Doom and Gloom Again


Poverty, hunger, sickness and violence will worsen as man-made global warming continues in the coming years, according to a leaked  report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

 Climate scientist Chris Field from the Carnegie Institution said the world has seen a lot of climate change effects and more will be noticeable in the future.

 Climate scientist Chris Field from the Carnegie Institution, who also heads the climate change report, said cities will be the most vulnerable along with the world's poor. The impact of climate change will affect economic growth, food security and poverty. Global warming is seen to worsen poverty in low and lower-middle income countries while new poverty-stricken areas will emerge in upper-middle to high-income countries. The leaked report uses the word "exacerbate" to describe the worsening effect of global warming on key areas of human life. The report suggests that climate change indirectly promotes the formation of civil war, protests and other forms of group violence. Long-term risks for specific countries were also cited in the report. North America may have the highest risks due to flooding, heat waves and wildfires.

Michael Mann, a climate scientist from the Pennsylvania State University said the leaked report only confirms what many scientists and researchers have known. He said climate change threatens human health, food and water security.

Field said he was not "depressed" about the report because he knows the world can still do something about the situation. If the “something” is not socialist revolution, Socialist Courier can only describe Field’s belief in capitalism’s capacity to change for the better as naive.

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