

Saturday, November 02, 2013


FUTURE PROSPECTS                                     
Youth unemployment in the UK and throughout Europe is a "public health time bomb waiting to explode" the World Health Organisation has warned. In the wake of the economic downturn, the UK also lags behind many of its European neighbours for key health indicators according to the findings of a major two-year review led by the public health expert Professor Sir Michael Marmot. 'Despite a tentative economic recovery, youth unemployment in the UK remains high, with more than one million 16 to 24-year-olds still classified as Neets - not in employment, education or training. The problem is even more severe elsewhere in Europe. Spain has a youth unemployment rate of 56 per cent and in Greece the figure is closer to 65 per cent. Poverty associated with high unemployment is closely associated with a higher likelihood of poor diet, smoking and long-term health problems like obesity. Prof Marmot said that poor health at such a crucial time of life was saving up problems for later generations.' (Independent, 30 October) Millions of young workers condemned to unemployment and ill-health. Isn't capitalism a wonderful social system? RD

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