

Saturday, November 09, 2013

Money goes to money

Jeremy Hunt, the Secretary of State for Health, is set to become the richest member of the Cabinet after it emerged that he is in line for a £17m windfall from the imminent sale of his own company.  Hunt, who is said to be currently worth £4.2m, would overtake Philip Hammond, the Secretary of State for Defence, as the wealthiest Cabinet minister. Hammond is worth £8.2m.

Dave Prentis, the General Secretary of the public service trade union Unison, said: “This is the man who has been let loose to slash the heart out of our NHS, and he can pocket £17m at a stroke. How can a man of such wealth possibly understand the problems of ordinary people or the value that we place on our public services?”

In 2012, the consultancy Wealth-X listed the wealthiest Cabinet ministers.
The top 10 were:

£9.6m Lord Strathclyde (no longer in Cabinet)
£8.2m Philip Hammond
£4.8m William Hague
£4.8m Jeremy Hunt
£4.5m Caroline Spelman (no longer in Cabinet)
£4.5m George Osborne
£3.8m David Cameron
£3.2m Francis Maude
£2.9m Dominic Grieve
£2.2m Andrew Mitchell

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