

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Peace between the peoples! War against the exploiters!

The Socialist Party of Great Britainis a distinctive political  party, but more importantly, its vote is distinctively the vote of the working class who desire socialism. For the time being, the ignorance of the workers means only a very few cast their ballot for the Socialist Party, but this can and will be overcome. The existing class struggle going on is not due to the mischievous influence of agitators, as certain politicians, the emissaries of the rich and respectable would like it to appear. Class war is inherent in the capitalist system. Why? Simply because one set of men owns the tools (the machines) with which wealth is produced, while an other set uses them, and there is an irrepressible conflict over the division of the product. The capitalist owns the tools he does not use; the worker uses the tools he does not own.

This vast and resourceful world should be free from the scourge of poverty and the blight of ignorance; but it never will be until the private ownership of the means of sustaining life is abolished and society is organised on the basis of social ownership of the social means of wealth production. Many suffer hunger pangs for food and shiver with the cold in every capitalist city. Millions are poverty-stricken, the result, mainly, of no work or low wages. Is it not high time to call a halt to the ravages of capitalism and give a little thought and consideration to humanity?

The  frauds, the corruption, the cronyism and the graft all cry out in condemnation of private ownership of capital, the source and inspiration of it all. It isn’t confined to party lines. Both Tory and Labour Party politicians have their snouts in the trough yet these the debauchers of civic duty,  subservient and hypocritical underlings of the employers,  are forever preaching about “law and order” to the working class. The Robber Barons, the Banksters, who organise monopolies to exploit the people who write the laws to provide themselves with loop-holes are not in the business of ethics, commercial or otherwise. The only ethics they know is to “get away with as much as they can get " and the end always justifying the means.

But it is not to reform the evils of the day but to abolish the social system that produces them that the Socialist Party exists. It is the party not of reform but of revolution. Every social system changes ceaselessly, and, once having fulfilled its mission, they pass away.  The industrial forces of capitalism made socialism possible and sooner or later it is sure to come. Steadily the number of class-conscious workers is increasing. Let others talk about the introduction of regulation of  banking and finance - the more enlightened workers demand the common ownership of industry and they are building up the Socialist party as a means of getting them. This is the revolutionary demand of the socialist movement. The propaganda is one of education and is perfectly orderly and peaceable. The workers must be taught to unite and vote together as a class in support of the Socialist Party, the party that represents them as a class, and when they do this the government will pass into their hands and capitalism will be no more; private ownership will give way to social ownership, and production for profit to production for use; the wage-system will disappear, and with it the ignorance and poverty. misery and crime that such a inhuman system breeds; the working class will stand forth triumphant and free, and a new era will dawn in human progress and in the civilisation of humanity.

In the wage system you and your children, and your children’s children, if capitalism shall prevail until they are born, are condemned to slavery and there is no possible hope unless by over-throwing the capitalist and voting for socialism. What you want to do is to assert your class interests just as the class that is robbing you do. What we want is not to reform the capitalist system. We want to get rid of it. The revolution is under way. Let us work so that this revolution may come in peace. Socialists are organised to pave the way for its peaceful accomplishment.  It does not matter in the slightest whether it comes next year or next century, or in a thousand centuries, that is not a question that concerns us. We simply know that the change is bound to come sometime and know that it is our task to do all we can to hasten its coming. The capitalist system has  fulfilled its mission and it is time to go forward. The time has come when working men and women should open their eyes to the  struggle, when they should have an intelligent understanding of socialism and pave the way for its triumph and the abolishment of capitalism from the face of the world. There is no other alternative system. It is socialism or barbarism.

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