

Monday, December 16, 2013

Cambodia was to be a model for fair labour practices?

In the 'don't get your hopes up' category, The Toronto Star (October 20) started an article on the plight of the Cambodian garment workers with, "With a growing role in the global garment trade, Cambodia was to be a model for fair labour practices. Its people finally had hope for a better standard of living. So why are workers still struggling to eke out an existence?" Why indeed? Obviously the people at the Star do not understand capitalist economics. If there is something lower, capital will flow there naturally like water flowing downhill. China is outsourcing its clothing orders to Bangladesh. If Cambodia can't get lower than Bangladesh in wages, conditions of work, labour and safety legislation, etc., you are out of luck. There are always greener pastures for capital, until, that is, we, the workers wake up and make all property and the resources therein the common heritage of all mankind. Let's do it! John Ayers

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