

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Enough of Capitalism - Time to End it Now

In the class war one prevalent propaganda message from the capitalists is that many people now regard it as fact. "Rich people create jobs." Specifically, by starting and directing companies, rich entrepreneurs and investors create the jobs that sustain everyone else. It is not only used to justify their existing wealth but offered as reason why their tax burden should be lowered. The prevailing propaganda story that justifies tax cuts for businesses and investors is that the huge profits they make, some of it is supposed to "trickle down" and  thus benefit everyone. Unfortunately, that's not the way it actually works. The world needs to think differently in how it wants to solve social and economic issues, such as inequality, climate change, hunger and disease.

Enough is enough. Enough inequality. Enough unemployment. Enough insecurity. Enough austerity. Enough of swallowing the lie that all of these things are as inevitable as the seasons and  unalterable. Enough of “just the way it is”. Enough of all that. What was made by man can be changed by man. Capitalism has had its time and now works for the privileged few, making the rich richer and leaving the rest of us more wretched.

People are disillusioned with the recession and its results. They know that true wages have been badly cut. and that their standards of life are being steadily depressed, while profiteering capitalists have made, and are still making, new fortunes. They see  world peace menaced by the incapable and greedy governments of the ruling classes.

 Unemployment, starvation and repression are the daily reality for millions of people around the world today. The world today is in a constant state of upheaval and conflict. The fact that such conditions prevail generally throughout the world, and have prevailed for a long time, logically suggests the presence of a common cause. That shared factor, the Socialist  Party has repeatedly demonstrated, is the capitalist system that does not and cannot work in the interests of the majority. It is a social system in which society is divided into two classes — a capitalist class and a working class. The capitalist class consists of a tiny minority — the wealthy few who own and control the instruments of production and distribution. The working class consists of the vast majority who own no productive property and must, therefore, seek to work for the class that owns and controls the means of life in order to survive.

 The history of the world has been a history of the protracted struggles of classes of people to change the economic and social relations of production and reproduction of their lives. The central object of this struggle is political power, and therefore the control of society. As socialists our goal is socialism; a world without class, without division, inequality and oppression which characterises present and preceding societies. Our immediate aim is to change this society. We do not attempt to lay out a blue print for socialism, because the conditions existing at the time of the capture of state power and expropriation of the capitalist class will determine the specific path of socialist construction. History has shown that attempts to impose preconceived strategies for socialist construction can result in a dictatorship over the proletariat.

We hold that revolution and the construction of socialism depends upon the working class being  the heart and soul of progress. The socialist movement are only participants who  aim to argue for the interests of the working class as a whole. We want to help change the world. It must be one in which production is carried on to satisfy human needs and wants. In short, it must be genuine socialism. Historical experience shows that the more democratic the process of deciding on and applying strategy and tactics the greater the political unity. And the greater the political unity the greater the ability to build and sustain unity of action.  It is the workers who create the new social framework and make the people’s ownership and their control and administration of the new social structure a reality. A world of peace, liberty and abundance for all stands within our grasp. The potential to create such a society exists, but that potential can be realised only if workers act to gain control of their own lives by organising, politically  for socialism.

 Accordingly, the Socialist Party calls upon the workers to muster under its banner for the purpose of advocating this revolutionary change and building class consciousness among workers  towards this end. Join us to put an end to the existing class conflict  by placing the land and the instruments of social production in the hands of the people  in a cooperative socialist society. Help us build a world in which everyone will enjoy the free and full benefit of their individual faculties. 

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