

Saturday, December 07, 2013

We have no country - We have a world to win

For a socialist world! To this inspiring task, we summon the workers of all lands – all who are oppressed by capitalism. Only a socialist world can give us peace and plenty. Look how the capitalist world totters on the brink of destruction and possible extinction of the human race.

Yes, prosperity has returned for the bankers, the corporations, the stock exchange speculators. Quantitative Easing has rescued their investments and restored their profits. But the great masses of the people continue to suffer from austerity cuts. The two capitalist parties, Tory (with their coalition partner) and Labour are as rotten and bankrupt as the system they uphold. They pile additional burdens upon the people. For the future they offer only continued misery and insecurity.

Long ago, spokesmen for royalism and the aristocracy argued that common people were unfit to be entrusted with affairs of state. The same sort of elitist prejudice motivates some of those even today. If the workers can produce machinery and precision instruments for the industry and all kinds of commodities for the market, if they can build and maintain powerful trade unions for themselves, why can’t they go beyond all that? What prevents them from organising a mass political party of their own, being won over to socialist ideas, and eventually manning a revolutionary movement which can challenge the existing order and show the way to a new society? Why can’t these workers, who make the necessities and luxuries of life, also make history and remake society and, in the process, remake themselves?

 The Socialist Party of Great Britain do not believe that the people can be summoned into battle on anyone’s command. The class struggle unfolds at its own speed and direction. On the other hand, we are neither fatalists or historical determinists

The  evils of capitalism will disappear only with the destruction of capitalism and the building of socialism. The intensity of the class struggle is greater today and now it is time for the working class to overthrow capitalism. Today it is the ballot box that we use against capitalism. Struggle for socialism. Support the Socialist Party, the only party that keeps the revolutionary red banner unfurled. 

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