

Monday, January 06, 2014

A New Year Resolution by the Clyde Workers , 1916

Strengthened by a mutual recognition of the real danger o'ershadowing Labour, emancipated from that abject humility that has hitherto characterised too many of the self-appointed saviours of our class, untrammelled by the self-seeking lickspittles whose corruption has been responsible for the deplorable plight of the world movement to-day; the Clyde Workers’ Committee will stand unique in the annals of Labour Unionism. It is on account of the absolute distinctness of the C.W.C. that I am cheered by the advent of a new Labour publication. I feel perfectly satisfied that a paper produced by the men who suffer every day the horrors of industrial life and its multitudinous injustices, whose eyes have been opened to the sunshine of disillusionment shining through the massed black clouds of treachery and cant, will adequately minister to the. militants whose discontent to-day is the harbinger of a glorious to-morrow. The Worker is the “trumpet which sings to battle,” blown by the breath of the mighty inspiration – To the worker the tool. To the accomplishment of this the fighter will strive with renewed virility, now that a vehicle for the diffusion of righteous discontent and a weapon for redress of Labour’s wrongs is under the control of the men of the workshop. However, truly sympathetic the intellectual, professional, or upper class individual may be to the cause of working class emancipation, the efforts of such must necessarily fail to carry the conviction that accompanies the efforts of the workshop propagandist. There exists always the healthy suspicion that the person of polish is talking of something he cannot possibly have first-hand knowledge of. This is why Union Officials – men of the workshop who have been placed in positions of trust by their mates – have always been able to barter the confidence thus won for flattery or gold. The ruling class influence over Labour Unionism is an influence that would cease to exist if all officials were honest men, or men actuated by the knowledge that the class they represent can have nothing in common with the class which exploits it. It is by the recognition of these facts that the C.W.C. gives the promise of a fuller and more joyous future for the Labour movement. It is customary to wish a new journalistic venture long life. I go one better, I wish it with all my heart and soul a short life – but a successful one. May it bring the Revolution.
Yours, in the spirit and flesh,

The Worker, No.1, 8, January 1916


  1. Anonymous9:32 pm

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