

Tuesday, January 07, 2014

concerned with concealing

Our federal government under the Harper regime continues so quietly to stifle anything that it doesn't like. Recently, the Toronto Star reported on just two of many (December 22). The Pearson Peacekeeping Centre will shut its doors this month after years of fund cutting by the government. Prime Minister Lester Pearson proposed the first peace-keeping force that moved the world back from war in the 1956 Suez crisis for which he was awarded a Nobel prize. Since that time Canadians have been front and centre in the UN peace-keeping missions. This government has moved our foreign policy more toward armed combat. Secondly the House of Commons recently shocked many Canadians by demanding its employees sign a confidential gag order with draconian sanctions for any breach. This follows funding cuts and similar demands on the scientific community suggesting the government is more concerned with concealing rather than revealing the truth, but that's nothing new to socialists. John Ayers.

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