

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Dare to Be Free

The Wall Street and City of London money-sharks are riding high these days. The masters of capital, drunk with power, threaten and terrorise the people of the world. Capitalist society is built upon our sweat and blood, our misery and want. All our victories on the economic field are turned against us, and our economic slavery is reinforced by an absolute political dictatorship of capitalism. Thus our economic struggle must of necessity become a political one. The chain holding us down in wage slavery is our submissiveness.

There is a war raging between  the capitalist class and the working class.The war between the capitalist class and the working class is due to the system of wage slavery. The capitalist class is easy to identify. They are the handful of billionaires who own or control the factories, mines, fields and the banks. They are the class that owns and sells the products that we make and often cannot even afford to buy. We sell our labour to this class for a wage, and sometimes even short of that!

The bosses appetite for profits is looked after by the government. The government is run by the capitalists for the purpose of maintaining the flow of profits. This is done in a lot of ways such as tax breaks and subsidies. A system of courts and police protect the property and the profits of the capitalists from the struggling working class. Injunctions against picket lines and strikes. They all  government protect the capitalist right to dictate the terms of employment to us. Shrinking wages and threats of unemployment are the terms of our employment.  We have to eat. To eat we have to work. To work we have to work for the capitalists. To work for the boss we have to accept his terms. We are slaves of the wage system.

The workers movement includes those of us who are trying organise the whole working class under the banner of “An Injury to One is an Injury to All.” The socialist movement  aim to challenge the system of wage slavery itself. There is only class struggle and the screws are turned on us year after year. We are all one, all workers of all lands . We know not colour, nor creed, nor sex in the labor movement.  What keeps our class on the march to the goal is the solidarity of labour which will vanquish wage-slavery and humanise our working lives.

 Some say “The task is too difficult, the system is too big. I care only about my own factory, my own community, my own family and home.” But it is only by understanding how capitalism runs against the interests of all working people, of how capitalism must be fought by all the working class  and when people are armed with an understanding of capitalism as the enemy then we can we can make the revolution. Our only choice is to fight harder. Only by completely getting rid of this system of wage slavery and its law of profits and the system in which the capitalists own and control everything, including us and our labor can we advance to socialism. It is only by getting rid of the whole source of these problems, the system of capitalism, that we can build a new society run by and for all. If we stick to our principles we will be able to make revolution and to go forward to revolution, and to socialism.

A political party today must stand for  the freedom of the working class, or it must stand for capital and exploitation. It cannot possibly stand for both any more than it could for both freedom and slavery. The Socialist Party should be known for what it actually is and actually stands for. We bear no false label, carry no false banner, nor seek support under any false pretense whatsoever. We stand avowedly for the worker,  for the people who produce, who render needed service, and who are useful and necessary to the world. We do not champion the idea of a smaller capitalism, and side with the “little interests” against “big interests,” for it would still stand for the capitalist system and the perpetuation of wage-slavery.  The Socialist Party must stand fearless and inflexible and uncompromising for the working class upon the basis of the class struggle and wage the war against capitalism for the liberation of labor from its age-old bondage. The workers must go into politics on their own account, independent of all capitalist politics. They must take power and reorganise the economy on a socialist basis, eliminating capitalist wars, profits and waste, to ensure a rich living for all and provide security and ample means for the aged and infirm.  Socialism will bring undreamed of abundance for all people everywhere. The working class can open up the way to this new world. They are the majority. They have the power. All that is necessary is for the working class to understand it and to use it. The Socialist Party does not advocate violence. It advocates the organization of the working class to use its power at the voting stations against the capitalists. We firmly believe they will do so.

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