

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Everything is possible

We live in a world controlled by a system which allows a small minority to oppress the great majority. This is capitalism which brings about great inequalities in living standards with more poor people now in the world than ever before, starts murderous wars and steals the resources of less developed countries while all the time causing perhaps the irreversible devastation of our natural environment. Either we get rid of this outmoded and decrepit system or it will destroy humanity. People know that capitalism is now useless  but few can see a way forward to a better type of society. The only viable solution is to achieve socialism, a classless and stateless society on a world scale where people do not exploit each other and where we live in harmony with our  environment. To create a socialist world it is necessary to overthrow the rule of capitalism and this can be done only through revolution.

All the capitalist parties, even those who call themselves socialist or workers’ or left-wing parties are dedicated to the continuation of the capitalist system of wage slavery and  are against the interests of the working class. The struggle cannot be one simply to remove one government and replace it by another government. The working class must  struggle for putting an end to the capitalist system. It is the capitalist system of exploitation and oppression, the system of wage slavery, that is the source of all the problems facing the working class. Revolution is not only a possibility, it is a necessity in order to prevent the continued destitution of the people.

The present economic crisis has shown that workers can take taking increasingly militant and powerful actions against the attack on their most basic rights and in defence of their conditions, wages and livelihood. This struggle must be deepened strengthened and escalated with workers workers taking the initiative in their own hands and relying on their own strength, unity and organisation. What millions and millions of men and women are calling for from the depths of their collective consciousness is an immediate radical change in the political and economic situation. They don’t worry over complicated doctrinal considerations, but with a sure instinct they call for the most substantive solutions: they expect much. They won’t be satisfied with a modest  concessions.

We proceed from an understanding that history is going somewhere. This separates us from most people who seem to think that history is going where the strongest social or political force is taking it. Where history is going depends on what is possible. What is possible, in the final analysis, depends upon the tools with which people create their means of life. This is historical materialism. The point is that although decent people may long for a better life and strive for a better life, they cannot get it until the material conditions, especially the tools, change and thus allow for it. The capacity to produce abundance for all is here, it is now. The struggle of the new world has broken out.

We should be filled with gloom and doom in the midst of the economic recession where the eventual ‘recovery’ will be for the bosses only but nevertheless there should be optimism and enthusiasm for the future.  The current economic crisis is incapable of showing any kind of real “recovery,” “boom” or even a distant light at the end of its tunnel for most people. For the working class hardships and suffering are only one side of the picture. The more important side is the growing resistance and struggle  for liberation, freedom and socialism that is promising a better day ahead. The past years certainly demonstrated this fact. For every act of repression and oppression by the capitalists there were dozens of examples of rebellion, resistance and revolution on the part of the people. For every effort to divide our struggle, there were new steps taken toward unity. The ruling class has been shaken by a new awakening on the part of workers. The realisation that the crisis is real and is here to stay for a long time was burned into the minds of many. The bosses’ attempt to make the workers pay for the crisis was increasingly met with strikes and other forms of rebellion  which often reflected the rank-and-file distrust with both the union leadership as well as the bosses.

The whole of society is being affected culturally, politically as well as economically. These are the things that are shaping the consciousness of millions.  we are not blindly optimistic. We can see that all is not rosy and that the road ahead is a tortuous one. Every class battle gives new hope  that the labour movement itself will change. From essentially a trade union struggle, it will change into a politically conscious movement against the capitalists and into a revolutionary socialist movement. The dawn of socialism, created by the workers and for the workers, is rising on the horizon. Turn toward it and let the socialist dawn inspire the final struggles ending forever all misery, dictatorship and war.

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