

Sunday, March 02, 2014

‘Saving Our Safety Net’.

The Toronto Star's editorial of Dec 14, 2013 was about 'Saving Our Safety Net'. It focused mainly on the death by a thousand cuts of the current Tory government. For example, it was found that just 37.2% of unemployed workers qualified for benefits compared to 46.6% when the Harper government came to power in 2006. (All workers pay into the fund). That the low figure of 46.6% was the worker of former Liberal finance minister, Paul Martin, just shows that all those who get to power are on the same page, "How to keep the profits flowing to the capitalist class".
Seems like more and more workers are getting the picture. In an EKOS Research poll printed in the Toronto Star, more people identified themselves as poor or working class in 2012 compared with 2006 – 28% to 44%. It is, of course, becoming increasingly obvious that there is downward pressure on wages in the 'rich' world. Rather than increase wages of the poor third world it appears wages will simply descend to survival levels – unless we get rid of the wages system altogether. John Ayers

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