

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Capitalism and Working Class Hero

·         The planet earth and its resources are the common heritage of all humankind
·         Society is capable of producing an abundance of all the things we need so we need not be restricted by the  size of our wages
·         Capitalism has brought us to the threshold of a permanent golden age for our species, where the individual needs of each and every one of us can be met by existing technology   
·         We  have at our disposal the potential to live truly fulfilling lives according to our inclinations.
·         For the working class, in the present age of potential plenty, rationing by the money system is an outdated way of distributing goods.
·         In an age when we could produce for use without anyone going short, producing for sale and profit is an obstacle to the real satisfaction of human needs and desires.
·         Socialism would mean the earth and its resources owned in common by the entire global community.
·         With the natural and technical resources of the world held in common and controlled democratically, the sole object of production would be to meet human needs
·         Democracy in Socialism will mean  everybody having the right to participate, in deciding what is produced and how global resourceswill be used.
·         Productive activity will be chosen and undertaken voluntary  by human beings, with a view to producing the things they need in order to live and enjoy life, without any concern for capital investment, profit, wages,  stock market or share holders.
·         There will be no class of wage workers to produce profits for the minority
·         Everybody would have free access to the goods and services
·         Socialism will mean an end to buying, selling and money.

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