

Monday, May 19, 2014

Beware Of Falling Crucifixes

The Roman Catholic Church is much more fundamental than most other brands of Christianity. believing as it does in present day miracles, exorcism and sainthood. The following event must have left even the most devout among them to scratch their heads in wonderment though. 'A young pilgrim has been crushed to death by a giant crucifix dedicated to Pope John Paul II. The 100ft curved wooden cross collapsed during a ceremony in northern Italy days before the former Pope's canonisation. Marco Gusmini, 21, on a visit with other young Catholics to the Alpine village of Cevo, was killed instantly.' (Daily Mail, 24 April) This is not the first death caused by a falling crucifix in Italy. In 2004 a 72-year-old woman was crushed to death by a 7ft metal crucifix in the southern town of Sant'Onofrio, Calabria. Wow, their god really does like testing their faith! RD

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