

Friday, May 09, 2014

Ethics And Business

The mass media loves nothing better than exposing some devious worker who has nicked a few bob out of the capitalist welfare state by engaging is some devious ploy. "Claimant who is an athlete cons NHS out of disability payments" screams the headline. A less publicised piece of chicanery occurred recently though. 'Shoppers have been urged to boycott Amazon's British business after it paid just £4.2m in tax last year, despite selling goods worth £4.3bn - more than the UK sales of Argos, Dixons or the non-food arm of Marks &Spencer. Margaret Hodge, chair of the public accounts committee, said shoppers should find alternatives to the Seattle-headquartered retailer, after consumer action persuaded coffee chain Starbucks to resume UK tax payments last year.' (Guardian, 9 May) If the owning class can nick a couple of billion pounds out of the system it is good business practice if workers attempt to cheat the system it is a disgrace. RD

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