

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Warning: Class Warfare Ahead

Humanity has reached a turning point in its history. The dreams of the past have become real possibilities  because the material conditions necessary for achieving them are here now. Socialist society is based on the free association of all individuals who work together to produce the goods necessary for their collective well-being, there will no longer be any no separation between private and common interest. exist. If socialists are to place a practical utopia at everyone's reach it means to create a mass movement, to give it the form of a real collective will of the spontaneous transformation of human relationships.

The economic struggle against the capitalist offensive inevitably raises the question of politics, because in every large-scale struggle the capitalist class mobilises all the forces of the capitalist state against the working class. They have placed on the statute book laws, which prevents the workers in one industry coming to the assistance, with industrial action of the workers of another industry engaged in a trade dispute, though no law has been passed to prevent the employers in one industry from helping the business owners in another industry during such a dispute.

The more the workers unite their forces and commence to struggle against the capitalist offensive, the more the struggle becomes a political struggle, not between the workers and any group of capitalists, but between the workers and the capitalist state representing the capitalist class as a whole. The solution to the basic problems of  people can only come as the result of a transformation of our society. That is, only socialism can provide the context to build a society free from exploitation, racism, oppression and war.  It is through the state apparatus that the  capitalists exercise their dictatorship. The rule of capital cannot be ended without the overthrow of this apparatus. The working,class is basically disunited. There are no united struggles of the entire working class, and the capitalists have been able to split the working class. As a result, struggles are being fought in isolation from the entire working class, but against the entire capitalist class. The unity of the entire working class is absolutely necessary and essential. It is the most urgent responsibility of the class conscious workers to take up the task of uniting the working class against the capitalist class and their system and to to organise the un-organised workers. Solidarity and unity are the very soul of the workers movement.

The capitalist system dominates our lives from birth to death. Its domination is based on the fact that the means of production – the mines, the buildings, the machines, and the vast majority of land – is the private property of the small but powerful capitalist class. Workers do not own the means of production. Therefore workers are forced to sell their labor-power to capitalists in order to survive. The capitalists do not pay us for the amount of work we do. They are only willing to pay us wages for part of the value we produce, only the wages which are absolutely necessary to maintain ourselves and our families. The rest of the value we produce, the surplus value, gets converted into their profits when they sell the products, the goods and services, we produce for them. This process is the exploitation of labour where a portion of our labour becomes their only source of profit!  Our daily experience in production is one of struggle, not peace! Furthermore, our understanding of capitalism shows that the interests of the propertied capitalist class are opposite those of the property-less working class. Greater profits and wealth for them means lower wages and deteriorating living conditions for working people.

Is this robbery? Yes, it is! What’s more, it is legalised theft! It is the law itself that upholds the rights of private property, especially their right to steal part of the value of our labour. It is the law itself which upholds the repressive authority of the bosses over us in our work. And it is the force of the police, the courts, the prisons, and the armed forces that are used against us when we resist. The entire government is a tool of the capitalist class.

The history of capitalism is the history of workers  resistance, at first individually and then collectively in unions. The wages and benefits we enjoy above subsistence are largely the result of militant struggle by the working class. The economic struggle has had to take on the government – police attacks, court injunctions, spies in the unions, government troops. Concessions have been wrenched from the capitalist class – the right to form unions, the right to strike, protective legislation against unfair dismissal or discrimination. But concessions are never permanent. We are seeing them being chipped away. We losing some of what our class has painfully won in the past. The current attacks on unions shows that the capitalist class knows what we know – that the strength of the working class lies in its organized will to fight. Confronting them are the mass organisations of the working class, the unions. But the unions are not united!

The history of capitalism is also a history of the workers’ struggles to abolish capitalism and build socialism. A truly socialist society is one in which  capitalism does not exist. It does not have two classes of people, a lower class composed of people who work for their living, and an upper class of people who live off the work of others, no person exploits another. In a socialism  the only people who live on the work of others, and who have the right to be dependent upon their fellows, are children, people who are too old and frail to support themselves and the sick and the disabled.

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