

Sunday, May 04, 2014

The Valley Of Despair

The source of much of the advanced technology of capitalism takes place in what has become known as Silicon Valley in the USA. Vast fortunes have been acquired by members of the owning class there but not everyone is doing so well in the area. 'Mark Zuckerberg's fortune grew by $10 billion last year, but not all the denizens of Silicon Valley are prospering. .... Silicon Valley has the fifth-largest homeless population in the US. ..... About 1,000 children and young adults are among the region's 7,000 homeless. Many live in an area known as "The Jungle" in San Jose, a squalid shantytown that is home to hundreds.' (Times, 2 May) That is how capitalism operates. Billions of dollars for the owning class and lives of penury for many of the working class. RD

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