

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Empty Promises

Fewer than two in every 10 homes for sale in England are affordable for working families on average wages. And in some areas,  would-be buyers are priced out completely, even if they can raise a sizeable deposit, according to figures from Shelter that underline the extent of the housing crisis. 'Rocketing house prices in some regions, combined with stagnant wage growth, have combined to push homes out of the reach of buyers, so much so that in more than half the country fewer than one in 10 of the suitable homes on the market was affordable to families who could put a typical 18% deposit towards their purchase.' (Guardian, 25 June) When she was Prime Minister Mrs Thatcher boasted that she was making Britain "a property owning democracy". Like all other politicians' boasts this turned out to be another empty one. RD

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