

Sunday, June 08, 2014

Return Of Nazism

We were told the first world war was a war to end all wars - how pathetic that now seems. We were told the second world war was to end Nazism but that is proving even sillier in Greece. 'SS songs and anti-semitism: the week Golden Dawn turned openly Nazi. Supporters of the far-right party gave Hitler salutes and sang the Horst Wessel song outside parliament last week. ...... Emboldened by its recent success in European and local elections - in which the party emerged as the country's third biggest political force ..... the extremists drove home the message that they were not only on the rebound but here to stay.' (Observer, 8 June) Wars are fought for economic reasons - for markets, trade routes and spheres of influence. Not for high-sounding principles like peace and democracy. RD

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